Massachusetts and the Carceral State

Mass and the carceral state 3


On Sunday, September 11, 2016, join justice activists from across Massachusetts for a day of skill and strategy building to invigorate the movement to replace the state’s criminal justice system with community justice. Whether you’re already active or are looking to get involved, this day is for you! It’s free and open to all. There will be opportunities to learn about the great work that is being done for justice reform in Massachusetts and to improve your skills and understanding of the movement.

Sunday’s conference will run from 9 a.m. to approximately 4 p.m. at Harvard Law School, Wasserstein Hall, 1585 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge MA. There will be workshops, panels, networking opportunities and activist art. Lunch is provided. Workshop presenters include the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, Young Abolitionists, National Alliance on Mental Illness — and many more!

This event is being organized by members of the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School, the Coalition for Effective Public Safety, the Criminal Justice Policy Coalition and the National Lawyers Guild – Massachusetts Chapter. Harvard Law School is easily accessible by public transportation: the Harvard Square stop on the Red Line or the following bus lines: 1, 66, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 86, 96. Street parking is also available and free on Sundays. For questions, please contact Rachel Corey,

If you’d like to park in Harvard parking, visitors must register with Harvard Parking to obtain a parking permit. Below you will find a link to register. The visitor parking option allows you to pick a garage: please choose the 52 OXFORD STREET garage since we are on a weekend.  When registering be sure to select the department “visitor to campus” and enter 7700 as the department code.

Public Parking Lots: (if the garage is full)

If you’re part of an organization, and you’re interested in tabling, please fill out this form.

Attendance at some workshops is limited. To ensure your spot in the workshops being offered, sign up here (read below for descriptions of workshops).

Workshop Schedule for the day:
9:00 – 9:45 a.m.                      Welcome (Milstein B)
9:40 – 9:55 a.m.                      Poetry by the Mass. Literary 
Education and Performance Collective (MassLEAP) (Milstein B)
10:00 – 10:50 a.m.                  Workshop slot (Various rooms)
11:00 – 11:50 a.m.                   Workshop slot (Various rooms)
Noon – 12:50 p.m.                   Workshop slot (Various rooms)
1:00 – 2:30 p.m.                       Lunch and panel discussion (TBA) (Milstein B)
2:30 – 2:45 p.m.                      Poetry by MassLEAP (Milstein B)
2:50 – 3:45 p.m.                      Affinity groups (Milstein A, B, C)

Register for Workshops here.

Workshop schedule:

10 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. workshops:
Changing the state’s laws: Lobbying 101 – If you don’t like our current laws, then let’s change them! This interactive workshop will explain Massachusetts’ legislative process and present key ideas/talking points on criminal justice issues. Workshop participants will role play meeting with legislators and report back on the effectiveness of their lobbying efforts. Presented by Sana Fadel, Deputy Director at Citizens for Juvenile Justice and Lizz Matos, staff attorney at Prisoners’ Legal Services of MassachusettsRoom 2012. Limit 50 people.

#NutsandBolts: Using Twitter for Racial Justice and Social Activism – This workshop will help you learn the fundamentals of Twitter and give you a brief introduction as to why and how Twitter can help promote racial justice and social activism. Participants will be encouraged to make their own Twitter account and learn a variety of skills: how to engage with other activists, attach articles, and read a “feed.” Bring your smart phone or laptop! For beginners or for those who want to learn more tricks of the Twitter trade. Presented by author/blogger/professor Jean Trounstine and Jasmine Gomez, Democracy Honors Fellow at Free Speech for People. Room 2004. Limit 25 people.

Recognizing the role of mental illness: Diversity, inclusion & mental health – This interactive workshop will provide an introduction to the major principles of diversity and inclusion in the mental health field. It will also raise sensitivity and awareness of participants while allowing opportunity to discuss the role that implicit bias, discrimination, mental health stigma and race plays on diverse groups and community engagement. Presented by Dr. Matthieu Bermingham, Diversity Committee Chair, and Florette Willis, Diversity Director of Outreach & Inclusion, from the Massachusetts office of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).Room Milstein A. Limit 30 people.

11 a.m. -11:50 a.m. workshops:
Supporting those who take to the streets: Legal Observer™ training – When you see people wearing lime green hats at demonstrations, from Boston to Ferguson and beyond, those are Legal Observers™ trained by the National Lawyers Guild. This workshop will explain the role that Legal Observers play in supporting activists engaged in the struggle for social and economic justice, and provide basic training for those who wish to act as LO’s. Presented by Jeff Feuer and kt crossman for the Massachusetts Chapter of the National Lawyers GuildRoom 2012. Limit 30 people.

Ousting elected prosecutors: #ByeAnita – A coalition of grassroots groups in the Chicago area joined forces to prevent the re-election of Cook County’s top prosecutor, Anita Alvarez, in response to her handling of police misconduct cases, especially those involving youth of color. They did so without endorsing any other candidate running for that office. Learn about this successful campaign’s strategies and tactics. Presented by Veronica Morris-Moore of Chicago’s Fearless Leading by the Youth (FLY). Room 2009. Limit 45 people.

Educating the public: How to use the media without getting used – It’s critical to educate the general public about the need for radical change – and that means working with the media. This overview of the Massachusetts and national media landscape will teach you how to get access to the most outlets possible, which are best for your purposes, how to avoid common mistakes, and how to form relationships with the media. Presented by Chris Faraone, DigBoston and a co-founder of the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism, and Howard Manly, formerly with the Bay State Banner, Boston Herald, WGBH and Boston Globe. Room 2004. Limit 60 people.

Healing, Reconciliation, and Accountability Outside the Criminal Justice System (NOTE: This is a two-hour workshop, from 11 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. If you sign up, please plan to attend the full workshop.) – The Intergenerational Justice Program (IJP) supports families of murder victims and families of people incarcerated for murder as they navigate the criminal justice system from arrest through re-entry. IJP fills a major gap in the field with its explicit focus on family engagement and community involvement to address the impact of homicide on both sides. Re-entry programs tend to have a narrow focus on the individual (often younger, often for non-violent offenses) while IJP expands the resources available to people who have been convicted of violent crimes and their families. The focus of IJP is to ensure that all families have what they need to live in peace after a homicide.
This workshop will describe IJP’s model for healing, reconciliation, and accountability and how they provide practical support for families on both sides. Facilitators will discuss the dangers of dividing communities into “victim” and “offender” and other institutional barriers the criminal justice system has imposed on families seeking justice and healing. Facilitators will also address the impact of racism and poverty on our communities that results in disparate numbers of poor people of color becoming both offenders and victims, often part of the same families and from the same neighborhoods. Families and communities of color need more support, resources, and community-led processes rather than the typical systemic response to violence: more police, swifter prosecution, and longer prison sentences. Facilitators will be from the partners of IJP: The Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, SPAN Inc., and VISIONS IncMilstein A. Limit 50 people.

Noon to 12:50 p.m. workshops:
Speaking truth to power: Independent journalism and public records requests – You don’t need to be a professional journalist to investigate an issue and publicize your findings. Jamie Folk investigated former drug lab chemist Annie Dookhan while Jonathan Cohn probed the Boston 2024 Summer Olympics organization. Workshop goals:

  • How to come up with the idea for a public record request
  • How to file a public record request
  • How to deal with city/state departments & agencies
  • How to fundraise for requests (if needed)
  • How to publicize & disseminate requests
  • How to utilize public record requests for activism & advocacy
  • How to contact and lobby your state legislators

Room 2012. Limit 40 people.

An American history of policing and prisons: Abolition now! – The youth collective Young Abolitionists (formerly Youth Against Mass Incarceration) will provide an introduction to the concept of prison abolition, including a history of police from slavery to mass incarceration. Room 2009. Limit 75 people.

Healing, Reconciliation, and Accountability Outside the Criminal Justice System – Continued from 11 a.m. workshop.

To ensure you have a spot in each of the workshops you want to attend, sign up here ahead of time. For free tickets for the day, register here:

What’s the answer to MA Dismal Lifer Parole Rate?


Picture curtesy of The Wrongful Convictions Blog

If you haven’t read my article about the Massachusetts Parole Board’s practice if not policy of throwing lifers under the bus, you might do that before you read this post. I am a firm believer that Parole Boards, as Innocence Project expert Phil Locke says, “operate in the shadow of the justice system.” And most people have no idea what is going on when someone comes up for parole, is refused parole, or spend time in prison after parole is granted waiting for release.

That’s why this particular case I wrote about in the Lowell Sun is so aggregregious. Please take a look. It begins:

“This week the Massachusetts Parole Board is meeting to redo regulations. One that should be at the top of its list is how to effectively parole prisoners who have some form of mental illness.

The United States now has 10 times more people in its prisons and jails than in its mental hospitals. As of 2013, approximately 25 percent of Massachusetts state prisoners (counties claim a much higher rate) had open mental- health cases. If you think the state has a parole system that is not broken in this arena, take a look at the Wilfred Dacier case.

No one disputes that Dacier committed an incredibly brutal crime. On Oct. 21, 1995, he stabbed his sister, Susan Dacier, 14 times in a domestic dispute. Wilfred Dacier pleaded guilty to second-degree murder, and was sentenced to life, eligible for parole in 15 years.

But his case reveals a Parole Board that seems bent on not releasing those who have committed life crimes — even if they have proven themselves no longer a risk to reoffend; a board that refuses to pay for mental-health evaluations that are important for parolees’ treatment; and a prisoner who is stuck behind bars solely because of his mental-health issues and not because he is a danger to the public…..” More

I’ll be writing a lot more about lifer cases. Stay tuned. We have to change our course.

One More Call For Juvenile Justice

The Amendments for the JJ Bill are problematic. In particular #1, #5 and #11. Take ONE MORE STEP:  PLEASE call your senators and ask them to Vote YES on S.2417 and NO on amendments #1, #5, #11 (as most harmful).  Explanations are below

Amendments #1 and #11, filed by Senators Brownsberger and Tarr, would do away completely with the expungement provisions of this bill.
Amendment #5, filed by Senator Tarr, would strike out reforms to exclude very young children (7 to 10 year olds) from juvenile jurisdiction
Please call again today and ask your Senator to REJECT these three amendments:

Find Your State Senator here.
Call the State House Switchboard at 617-722-2000 and ask to be connected to your State Senator’s office.

Sample script:
My name is __________. I am a constituent of the Senator and I live in__________. The Senate will debate S.2417, an omnibus Juvenile Justice bill and I ask that s/he vote YES on this bill.  I also ask that the Senator reject three harmful amendments to this bill:

Amendments #1 and #11 will deny reasonable efforts to allow young people move on beyond their past transgressions.  These amendments would prevent the expungement of juvenile records, even if the case was dismissed, or was years or decades old.
Amendment #5 would keep very young, elementary school age children subject to delinquency proceedings.  These Processing very young children is a waste of court’s limited resources, as they will highly unlikely be found competent to stand trial.
Thank you!


Amendment 1 – Removal of certain sections (Brownsberger)
Strikes out the entire section on expungement
Strikes out the entire section on youth status and DOC/HOC young adult programming
Strikes out language prohibiting the prosecution of child victims of sex trafficking
Removes the intra-family victim exception to parent-child privilege

Amendment 2 – Prohibiting Juvenile Solitary Confinement (Chang-Diaz and Eldridge)
Bans solitary confinement for prisoners under age 18 (but only in prisons and jails)

Amendment 3 – decriminalizing non-violent and verbal student behavior (Jehlen)
Disturbing public assembly and disorderly conduct offenses for students

Amendment 4 – further defining the role of school resource officers (Jehlen)
School Resource officer MOU bill

Amendment 5 – Jurisdiction (Tarr)
Strikes out language that would exclude very young children (7-10) from delinquency proceedings

Amendment 6 – Youth Mitigating Factor (Tarr)
Strikes out youth status language for juveniles, but keeps language authorizing DOC/HOC to provide programming for young adults

Amendment 7 – Habitual Offender (Tarr)
Three strikes language for adults

Amendment 8 – Finding of Delinquency on second and subsequent (Tarr)
Specifies that offenses that are only a fine for the first offense will have a delinquency finding for the second or subsequent offense

Amendment 9 – Addition of a district attorney to the juvenile justice data taskforce (Lovely)

Amendment 10 – Court discretion (Lovely)
Changes expungement for misdemeanor from automatic to discretionary

Amendment 11 – Expungement (Moore)
Strikes out expungement

Amendment 12 – Task Force Members (Moore)
Adds the president of the Massachusetts District Attorney’s Association; the president of the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police to data collection task force

Amendment 13 – Corrective Amendment
Clarifies that “restraints” not the “child” shall be removed from the court
Clarifies that youth status and adult sentencing is only for juveniles subject to adult sentences not for delinquency cases
Clarifies right to counsel with better grammar
Adds MDAA and Mass Police Chiefs to data collection task force

Boy With A Knife Debuts



Last week I posted the first radio interview on my new book and Karter Reed was kind enough to join me and talk about the pain and hope he lives with every day. The tragedy of Jason Robinson’s murder never subsides but Karter’s dedication to building a new life in honor of the families he harmed is ever-present. You can listen to him below in my last post.

This week some excitement for me begins on Tuesday, April 12, with the #twitter launch of Boy With A Knife. After seven years! Join me 8:30-11:30 am or pm to ask a question about my book or make a comment of justice for juveniles.  I take to heart James Baldwin’s famous words:”For these are all our children. We will all profit by, or pay for, whatever they become.” Use the hashtag #BWAK and I’m at @justicewithjean.

Also, Amazon will have a low price that day if you want to buy my book–no proceeds go to anyone involved in the crime.

I had a very important interview about the book with Bentley professor Marc Stern on April 10. A history prof, he asked important questions and had read the book with intense interest. You can listen to “Room With A View” here at WMBR, April 10, about 30 minutes in, and the HTML5 link worked perfectly for me. From that interview, my favorite question was when Marc asked to to explain what I meant by “justice” in the book title.

Caroline Leavitt’s very cool blog will feature her cool brand of Q&A about Boy With a Knife on Monday, April 11th.

Also incarcerated writer Christopher Zoukis is reviewing my book on Huffington Post this week. How, you ask, does that happen from prison? He writes it behind bars and send it to someone who submits it to him. One of the most dedicated prisoner writers I know.

This week I’m talking to students about BWAK at Merrimack College and at Wheelock College, and have my first reading at the Andover Book Store!